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Get Site Control
surfing the net i come across endless amounts of new tools & services all the time and it’s very rare that one catches my eye.
When i tried Getsitecontrol.com 6 months ago, it got me hooked!

Getsitecontrol is a powerful tool that combines various programs into one. Imagine something that not only performs specific functions like  autoresponder, social sharing  but it saves you a bunch of money on monthly subscriptions at the same time.
In my opinion, this makes Getsitecontrol the most value packed  tool out there.
Some of the things Getsitecontrol does are:
  • Provide detailed widget analysis
  • Fully customisable widgets
  • Auto responding
  • Email liste
  • Social sharing
And these are just a few of them. So let’s take a look at each of the tools in more detail so you can see exactly why Getsitecontrol is so powerful.

Getsitecontrol Dashboard

First let’s jump into the dashboard of Getsitecontrol.

This is the dashboard that displays all your activities, notifications and things like that but the greatest thing is that it pulls data from widgets all under one interface.
I’m going to take you through the different steps to costumase a tool from the sidebar so let’s get into it!
The survey widget 
==> step 1 
 First  is the appearance step where you can choose the position and the animation of the survey the colors of the background and texts and their fonts. it also provide you with a full screen and a phone preview

==> step 2
 This step is where you choose the question of your survey and the button text

==> step 3
Here we can setup the thank you page as you see. we can even redirect the visitor to another page after completing the survey

==> step 4
I think that this step is the most important step in setting up your widget . in this step you can setup when you start displaying this survey by date and by behavior of the visitor and the frequency of displaying this survey and when it stops

==> step 5
Targeting your audience is also so easy with this tool . It allow us to show this survey to only specific targets that are sorted by many factors

==> step 6
This is the final step where you can enable the auto responder or use third party integration

Wrapping it up

There’s really so many tools in this suite that you can use to manage your websites, your blog network, find new clients, increase your social media sharing, generate reports and so much more!
Getsitecontrol.com saves me so much money since it can perform the functions of various different services which can cost anywhere from $15 a month to $100 a month each.
For a monthly subscription of $9, it’s a huge money saver making it an essential tool for anyone who is serious about improving his website!

Resources In The Tutorial

Getsitecontrol.com – ( Best Tool ever )

1.Teespring a golden opportunity for Marketers


Teespring is a crowdfunding platform for t-shirt. The principle is very simple. You launch a classic crowdfunding campaign with visual or text that you want to appear on your t-shirt. specify:
The end date.

The price of your shirt and color.
The number of shirts you want to sell during the campaign.
If it exceeds the initial target (21 t-shirts funded instead of 20), you earn more.

Production and delivery are supported by Teespring. All you have to do is to communicate as much about your campaign for it to achieve its objective. If the campaign closes successfully, then you are remunerated.


2. Teespring $ 500 in 1 month


3. Get an account
Go to teespring and get your self an account 

4. What is important is the idea:

Before going further in our tutorial, I like to remind you that the choice of design is vital if you manage to take advantage of trends and events near you or internationally you will have a good result with teespring.

Sometimes I spend several weeks to analyze the audience of the shirts, while once I start (by instinct or experience) and I swing a campaign the same day.
For a beginner who just found teespring, here are the steps I follow to personally discover new ideas:

4.1. Google trends:

Google Trends allows to estimate the volume of Internet users search for expressions précises.il provides estimates on one or more keywords, allowing you to see the growing interest for a term or not, determine your key terms and their development trends.

Google trends is a good location for a brainstorming session to find a niche for your next (or first campaign teespring), according to the country you want to target, you will have a list of the hottest search of the moment.

what attracted me in the top 10 of the most popular trends, the t-shirt I Can not Breathe untill we-have justice for all, what chance

4.2. Teescover and Teeview :

2 platforms that display the number of sales of a t-shirt, two interesting sources for inspiration course:

5.Promote offers from teespring via facebook:

What I will do right away, create a facebook page i can not breath untill we-have justice for all, create campaigns 1 (3 varieties) in post engagement fashion (each post for a different design) but first we must guess my campaign target: https://www.facebook.com/ads/audience_insights/

A site like http://wealth.mongabay.com/tables/100_income_zip_codes-10000.html can tell you the areas classified according to their income, it is smart to choose those that have an important teespring back in your first attempts.

5.1.The Design of advertisement and foremost t-shirt!

So we find a golden opportunity, a niche that makes the buzz at the moment, a quality hearing so let's go to create the T-shirt (logo) and 3 pictures for facebook advertising (Post a commitment position created via the power editor)

If you are not graphic designer, you can create your logo has only
 $ 5 on Fiverr
Or you can buy a full pack of ready to use PNG logos from here:  https://fr.fiverr.com/s/765onu 

templates for ads I'll give you those I personally use:

Resources :Template PSD ( to receive the PSD Templates please send us a message on our facebook page )

After creating the t-shirt on teespring Go on the power editor:

we will create 3 posts, each post with a different design, and we will launch a campaign MODEP ost engagement with a $ 30 budget for each variant! but usually live must reach 10% of your audience before deciding to keep a design or outright stop the campaign.
5.2.The Dataminning for a significant ROI:

If you choose the payment by clicks to website, and if your cost per click and high (> $ 0.50), and that after 50 clicks you do not even have a sale then your target a competitive market .dropoff window
If the frequency of your variant is> 2.0 it means that people are beginning to see more often, so you have reached your full hearing: think has create a new image and ad copy if you have not reached your goal if not as better :)

here is the result of the campaign teespring i can not breathe:

I remind you that you can not use the names of the films, actors or anything that is legally protected!
Ps: remember to specialize in a niche and build a list;)
resources :Template PSD ( to receive the PSD Templates please send us a message on our facebook page )

Why Pinterest ?

Pinterest’s explosive growth, ability to drive results and discovery-friendly set up are all, in and of themselves, reasons that brands need to be on Pinterest.         

The thing about pinterest is you don't know how long it will stay or how far it will spread 



As the sixteenth most popular site in America and the thirty-fifth most popular website in the entire world, In just over 3 years, Pinterest has built a userbase of 70 million people, drawing in 30 million unique visitors on a monthly basis. 


Millions to Billions
If millions don’t impress you, let’s talk billions! a number expected to grow by 400% over the next three years, Pinterest gets 2.5 billion unique page views per month .


Show Me the Money

According to a  2012 study, with an average spend of $170, users coming from Pinterest spend double the amount per order than those from Twitter ($70.84) or Facebook ($94.70).


Second to One

sending more traffic than Twitter, Yahoo, Google+ or LinkedIn, Pinterest is neck-and-neck with Twitter to be the second most used online social network, and a referral powerhouse.


Going Global

In June 2013 45% of new user registrations on Pinterest  were from outside of US .Pinterest has climbed the ranks to become the 16th most popular site in America and is rapidly expanding into international markets.   



The Perfect Pair
 Consumers overwhelming turn to Pinterest for inspiration on what to buy, to keep track of or collect things they like, and to stay attuned to trends.  43% of people prefer Pinterest to associate with retailers or brands, while only 24% prefer Facebook.
 compared with 40% on Facebook, 69% of Pinterest visitors have found an item they’ve purchased or wanted to purchase on Pinterest.

No Expiration Date
pins have the potential to drive traffic for several months longer than tweets or Facebook posts. Long-tail search, Pinterest categories and auto-scroll contribute to a continuous cycle of sharing.


Mobile Domination

on the iPhone, it comes second only to Facebook, snagging itself a respectable 34.2%. Nearly half of all iPad social sharing activity is on Pinterest.  Mobile activity is exploding, and Pinterest is carving itself a sizable niche of sharing activity.  Using Pinterest on mobile devices is just "pintagious" !


The Pinner Profile

28.1% of users make respectable six-figure $100K annual income, and the primary user is between 25 to 34 years old, The average Pinterest user clocks in at least 80 minutes of time on the site per month .


The Closing 


The bigger picture here, though, is that Pinterest users only share content they truly love, making it the ideal conduit for high-quality traffic and engaged consumers. 

i hope this article will be usuful for you 

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