Start Blogging Now : creating the blog

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How Set up a blog on Blogger in just 3 minutes ?



First, to create an account on  blogger you must have a gmail account or set up a new one by going here   then fill in data from your name and last name and password and date of Birth and phone number, then the user name. And so on until it is set up the gmail .


After creating a  Gmail you must go to blogger   , then you enter email and password, and now you have  Blogger account , and you can now create your blog easily . Fill in the data as the following picture and  select a template that you can easily replace it later.


How to link a blogger blog to a paid domaine name ?


 Some are using the Blogger FREE Domain  and This is a very big mistake, first free  domain does not give your blog professionalism, and if you want to switch into wordpress you  will lose archiving "any of your posts and links on Google" so you  lose visitors because they enter through the free Domain , so I advise everyone to buy Domain name for his blog, so you  do not regret it later! . stick to the following steps to purchase a domain name and link it  to blogger  
you have to go to the godaddy website from here 


Then you type the domain name you want to buy into the search box to see if it was available, and then press Search

If the domain is available and was not reserved by someone else, you'll see the message below,  click on Continue to Cart to complete the registration process.


Then you select 1Year, or depending on what you want but the best is one-year renewable  later, and also note that the price depend from one domaine name to an other
 check out the following picture:


Then you enter payment details on the next page


Now, the domain belongs to you , they're is a message on your email . And now  go to godaddy and then click on the My Account, then clicking on the Domains and then click on the Launch before the domain name that you purchased as the following picture:


Then you search for "DNS Manager" and you press the Launch underneath, then you will see now  a set of tables whereupon go to a the table "Host", and then click on the button "Quick Add" at the bottom of the table, and then you add " @ " at the first column, and then in a column of "point to" you write the following numbers respectively:


Then on the same page you go to  CNAME  and you search for www in the first column, and instead of the @ sign before it, and replace it with, then click on the "Save Zone File" to save what you've done. 
Now you go blogger to add the domain, and click on "Settings", and then add a custom domain "Add custome domain", then switch to the Advanced Settings, and then typing the domain name and then Save As the following picture:

 Now you have completed the purchase of the domain and linking it to your blog and you only have to wait now , the process may take minutes or hours, wait until you are allowed to enter through the domain 

Certainly now it you have a blog ready and you may have already started blogging but I must tell you that you should look permanently for updates  and how to bring more visitors  . this will not be the last topic it is only the beginning of further threads.  I hope that the topic useful and clear and thank you.

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